Ladies and Gentleman
Max EM Flag is just flying higher and higher. Another feather in our department cap; with the placement of Dr Prahlad Agrawal at Croydon University Hospital, South London on 28.10.2011.
The placement details are as follows
Hospital: Croydon University Hospital
Start Date: 1 February 2012
Duration: 24 months
Supervising Consultant: Christopher Blakely
Grade Post: CT3
Prahlad was selected through MTI scheme of the College of Emergency Medicine, UK based on training at Max Healthcare in affiliation with George Washington University, USA.
I found these lines of Robert Lee Frost from his poem 'THE ROAD NOT TAKEN' very appropriate for Prahlad
“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
Croydon University Hospital, formerly Mayday Hospital is a large NHS hospital in the borough of Croydon in south London, England, and is in the administrative area of NHS Croydon - Croydon Primary Care Trust. It is administratively a part of Croydon Health Services. It is a teaching hospital.
The Emergency Department at Croydon University Hospital is one of the busiest departments in London, seeing in excess of 120,000 patients each year. The medical staffing comprises 6 consultants, 5 higher trainees, 2 CT3s, 2 ACCS, 14 FY2s and
2 FY1.
In addition there are ENPs and ECPs working within the department. There is a 5 bedded Resuscitation room, 20 bedded majors area, dedicated minors area and a separate Paediatric A&E department housed within the ED footprint. The Paediatric A&E is a busy unit seeing 35,000 patients each year and it is expected that the appointed CT3 will be rostered to spend a significant proportion of their time in this department. In addition there will be ample opportunity to spend time in paediatric clinics, PICU etc.
The department has an excellent track record in the training of Emergency Medicine trainees. There is formal weekly middle grade teaching, excellent supervision and training with two designated consultants working on the shopfloor at any time, regular audit and opportunities to undertake research. The department possesses 2 ultrasound scanners and there is ample opportunity to gain competence in emergency ultrasound.