PACE 2011 was an extraordinary meet of some ordinary people who determine to be the leaders of Emergency Medicine in India. Although the conference was set to explore EM Critical Care interface the lectures were actually tuned for EM physicians.
Following are the highlights from the conference.
1. The Venue and Hospitality of PACE 2011 was nothing short of excellence at its own right. Thanks to Dr VG Bhaktavatsalam, Chairman KG Hospital, Prakash, Satish and entire PACE Team.
2. The delegates (Total 580) were young, motivated, committed to the cause of Emergency Medicine and not to the limelight and glory of the conference.
3. Pre Conference workshops were of grand success with 180 delegates in different workshops.
4. The cultural program was graced by several performances from KG Nursing staff and few songs from EM physicians.
5. The Research tracks were exciting. Dr Harshita from VMU won the best oral presentation while Dr Mohan from VMU won the best case presentation.
6. The best poster presentation went to a short study on awareness of blood product transfusion done by Drs V P Chandrasekharan, Susovan Mitra from VMU ; Tamorish Kole and Meghna Halder from Max-GWU.
7. The panel discussion on EM education was very formative. SEMI President announced that SEMI will deliver honorary fellowship to DRs K Hariprasad, Mahesh Joshi, Mabel Vasnaik and VP Chandrasekharan. Dr Farooq proposed honorary doctorate to these people from Local University.
8. The Quiz at the end set the tone of the conference high and reverberating.
PACE 2011 will continue to remain as an Academic Extravaganza.