Welcome to Sepsis 2011

On behalf of Sepsis Congress Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure to welcome you to International Sepsis Congress 2011 .
APCC has a successful history of producing highly scientific and prestigious meetings with leading National and International Speakers. The main program has been designed to be of interest to a multi-professional audience with presentations on Sepsis Issues in critical care.
Meetings are an important opportunity to network, meeting up with old friends and making new ones.
Sepsis Congress Dinner and Dance takes place on Friday 11th Evening and I do hope to be able to welcome you to the social highlight of the meeting.
I look forward to meeting you during this meeting.
Click here to go to the conference website
Dr. Omender Singh MD FCCM
Head of Critical care Medicine, Max Healthcare, Saket, New Delhi
Chair- Sepsis Congress-2011